A license that grants use of software solely for the purpose of education or research.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_ACADEMIC = 1;
A license covering use of software embedded in a specific piece of hardware.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_APPLIANCE = 2;
A Client Access License (CAL) allows client computers to access services provided by server software.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_CLIENT_ACCESS = 3;
A Concurrent User license (aka floating license) limits the number of licenses for a software application and licenses are shared among a larger number of users.
A license where the core of a computer's processor is assigned a specific number of points.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_CORE_POINTS = 5;
A license for which consumption is measured by non-standard metrics.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_CUSTOM_METRIC = 6;
A license that covers a defined number of installations on computers and other types of devices.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_DEVICE = 7;
A license that grants permission to install and use software for trial purposes.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_EVALUATION = 8;
A license that grants access to the software to one or more pre-defined users.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_NAMED_USER = 9;
A license that grants access to the software on one or more pre-defined computers or devices.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_NODE_LOCKED = 10;
buf:lint:ignore ENUM_ZERO_VALUE_SUFFIX -- null
is our fallback, doubling unspecified
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_NULL = 0;
An Original Equipment Manufacturer license that is delivered with hardware, cannot be transferred to other hardware, and is valid for the life of the hardware.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_OEM = 11;
Another license type.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_OTHER = 16;
A license where the software is sold on a one-time basis and the licensee can use a copy of the software indefinitely.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_PERPETUAL = 12;
A license where each installation consumes points per processor.
A license where the licensee pays a fee to use the software or service.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION = 14;
A license that grants access to the software or service by a specified number of users.
from enum value: LICENSING_TYPE_USER = 15;
buf:lint:ignore ENUM_VALUE_PREFIX -- Enum value names should be prefixed with "LICENSING_TYPE_ENUM_"
from enum cyclonedx.v1_6.LicensingTypeEnum