data: PartialMessage<CryptoProperties_AlgorithmProperties>The certification that the implementation of the cryptographic algorithm has received, if any. Certifications include revisions and levels of FIPS 140 or Common Criteria of different Extended Assurance Levels (CC-EAL).
from field: repeated string certificationLevel = 6;
classicalThe classical security level that a cryptographic algorithm provides (in bits).
from field: optional int32 classicalSecurityLevel = 10;
The cryptographic functions implemented by the cryptographic algorithm.
from field: repeated cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoAlgorithmFunction cryptoFunctions = 9;
curveThe specific underlying Elliptic Curve (EC) definition employed which is an indicator of the level of security strength, performance and complexity. Absent an authoritative source of curve names, CycloneDX recommends use of curve names as defined at https://neuromancer.sk/std/, the source from which can be found at https://github.com/J08nY/std-curves.
from field: optional string curve = 3;
executionThe target and execution environment in which the algorithm is implemented in.
from field: optional cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment = 4;
implementationThe target platform for which the algorithm is implemented. The implementation can be 'generic', running on any platform or for a specific platform.
from field: optional cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoImplementationPlatform implementationPlatform = 5;
modeThe mode of operation in which the cryptographic algorithm (block cipher) is used.
from field: optional cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoAlgorithmMode mode = 7;
nistThe NIST security strength category as defined in https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography/post-quantum-cryptography-standardization/evaluation-criteria/security-(evaluation-criteria). A value of 0 indicates that none of the categories are met.
from field: optional int32 nistQuantumSecurityLevel = 11;
paddingThe padding scheme that is used for the cryptographic algorithm.
from field: optional cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoAlgorithmPadding padding = 8;
parameterAn identifier for the parameter set of the cryptographic algorithm. Examples: in AES128, '128' identifies the key length in bits, in SHA256, '256' identifies the digest length, '128' in SHAKE128 identifies its maximum security level in bits, and 'SHA2-128s' identifies a parameter set used in SLH-DSA (FIPS205).
from field: optional string parameterSetIdentifier = 2;
primitiveCryptographic building blocks used in higher-level cryptographic systems and protocols. Primitives represent different cryptographic routines: deterministic random bit generators (drbg, e.g. CTR_DRBG from NIST SP800-90A-r1), message authentication codes (mac, e.g. HMAC-SHA-256), blockciphers (e.g. AES), streamciphers (e.g. Salsa20), signatures (e.g. ECDSA), hash functions (e.g. SHA-256), public-key encryption schemes (pke, e.g. RSA), extended output functions (xof, e.g. SHAKE256), key derivation functions (e.g. pbkdf2), key agreement algorithms (e.g. ECDH), key encapsulation mechanisms (e.g. ML-KEM), authenticated encryption (ae, e.g. AES-GCM) and the combination of multiple algorithms (combiner, e.g. SP800-56Cr2).
from field: optional cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties.CryptoPrimitive primitive = 1;
typeCreate a deep copy.
Compare with a message of the same type.
Parse from binary data, merging fields.
Repeated fields are appended. Map entries are added, overwriting existing keys.
If a message field is already present, it will be merged with the new data.
options: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>Retrieve the MessageType of this message - a singleton that represents the protobuf message declaration and provides metadata for reflection- based operations.
toJSONOverride for serialization behavior. This will be invoked when calling JSON.stringify on this message (i.e. JSON.stringify(msg)).
Note that this will not serialize google.protobuf.Any with a packed message because the protobuf JSON format specifies that it needs to be unpacked, and this is only possible with a type registry to look up the message type. As a result, attempting to serialize a message with this type will throw an Error.
This method is protected because you should not need to invoke it directly -- instead use JSON.stringify or toJsonString for stringified JSON. Alternatively, if actual JSON is desired, you should use toJson.
options: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>Static
options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>Static
options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>
from message cyclonedx.v1_6.CryptoProperties.AlgorithmProperties